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International Women's Series Virtual Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative

  • Thursday, September 10, 2020
  • 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • Online Zoom Meeting

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As part of the Women's Series
We a invite you to virtually join us
for a presentation on the Women's Initiative (WEI)

We will discuss how to support female entrepreneurship, drive partnerships and how to take your business global.

"WEI will function as an incubator for the selected participants while also providing community outreach, educational workshops and mentorship engagement, to aspiring business owners and future entrepreneurs."

Monica Hooks, the Executive Director of the WEI, will give us a brief presentation of their mission. In her role she is in charge of developing, managing, and executing programs and initiatives that support the development and promotion of female entrepreneurship with a keen focus on launching the program’s third cohort.

Following her presentation we will hear pitches from the members of the female-led startup companies.

The discussion will be moderated by Vanessa Ibarra, Director, Mayor's Office of International Affairs & Trade.

The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.

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mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia 

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