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The Japan-America Society is the place to forge a deeper connection with Georgia’s global business community. The Japan-America Society is the place where you can gain greater exposure to the American and Japanese style of business, increasing your value to your company. The Society strives to make this possible in an environment in which you will feel comfortable by bringing together executives and managers from the world’s two most accomplished business cultures - business people who may be your customers, partners or competitors, here or abroad - to talk about issues affecting international business.

Through its direct contact with the Japanese and Georgian business communities, the Society also offers insight into the effect culture has on commerce. Through your membership and involvement, the Society is a tangible way of showing that your company is a good corporate citizen - and should be recognized as such. Finally, you will make contacts with business people who may be valuable for your business or your professional career.

The JASG is also the place where Japanese citizens come to learn about Americans, and Americans come to learn about the Japanese. The Society shares its understanding of the Japanese with the public in Georgia and its understanding of Americans with the public in Japan.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Japan-America Society of Georgia. Membership is open to everyone who wishes to increase friendship, cultural exchange and a better understanding between the people of Japan and Georgia. To learn more about our levels of membership, including how to become one, please hover over the "Membership" tab on our homepage or simply click on the links to the right. Please contact our office with membership or event  inquiries or general questions at (404) 842-1400 or 

The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.

is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote

mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia 

Phone: 404-842-1400    Email:

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