RSVP 申し込み
US-Japan Networking Night Details
Join Japan-America Society members and supporters for a casual networking event. This is a chance to meet and mingle with people interested in Japanese culture and the U.S.-Japan relationship. This program will have a unique connection with participants in the Grassroots Exchange Network Japan (GEN-J) Program, who recently returned to Japan after two years of sharing Japanese language and traditions to Americans in Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas/Fort Worth, Detroit, Frankfort/Lexington, Houston, and Indianapolis. You are encouraged to participate in a relaxed environment and ask questions during the breakout sessions. Make new friends with other Japan-America Society members while enjoying your favorite beverage from home!
The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.
is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote
mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia
Phone: 404-842-1400 Email: