Nihongo/Eigo Kai Language Exchange
ジョージア日米協会 日本語・英語会
Last Saturday Every Month
8:30AM - 10:00AM
Virtual via Zoom at Home Until Further Notice
RSVP 申し込み
The Nihongo Eigo-Kai is a friendly social gathering for anyone looking for an opportunity to chat in, practice, and improve on their Japanese and English conversation skills – speaking, listening, pronunciation, accent reduction, etc. As we practice social distancing in accordance with government orders and recommendations by healthcare professionals, this month's NihongoEigo-Kai will be a virtual meet-up.
The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.
is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote
mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia
Phone: 404-842-1400 Email: